10 Tips if Your Productivity has Dropped

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Productivity has Dropped

How to fight the decline in your efficiency is a problem that sooner or later arises for everyone who works a lot. A startup CEO, a venture capitalist, a project manager – almost all of these roles require more than a person can physically do in a day. If you add to this the daily randomness that distracts from work and dedication to social media, a decrease in the quality of work is almost inevitable. Here you can find the 10 tips if your productivity has dropped.

An essay writer free online, Steve O’Neil has prepared a list of 10 simple tips in his post to help cope with this disappointing phenomenon.

  1. Make your to-do list for each day carefully and thoroughly. Do you need all those endless items from what you have planned for yourself tomorrow? Schedule only what you need to do immediately, minute by minute. Schedule the amount of time for each task on your calendar. Set deadlines and stick to them.
  2.  Avoid meetings and unnecessary meetings like the plague. You have absolutely no reason to attend every meeting or meeting to which you are invited. And while it may look like you’re trying to “keep your finger on the pulse,” you’re just wasting valuable time. Formulate rules for yourself: what types of meetings are mandatory for you, and which ones you will politely refuse. If the meeting can not be avoided, leave it early: later, you can recover the content of the conversation from the notes of other participants.
  3. Get a hobby. This may seem like an unproductive idea, but you’d be surprised what miracles a hobby can do to time management. If you anticipate a sporting activity or a game in the evening after work, it will significantly inspire your current job.
  4. Don’t chase perfection. If you’re constantly returning tasks to your team that you don’t think are perfect, you’re reducing your productivity and the productivity of your employees. Don’t strive for 100% perfection. Use the 100/80 rule: do a thorough job 80% of the time, with the remaining 20% requiring less and less effort each time.
  5. Start work early in the morning. This will allow you to work quietly in the hours free from the daily grind and noise.
  6. Truly trust your team. Delegating can save you significant time every day, month, and even year. If you’re not delegating tasks to your team, you may not trust the people you’re working with. Remember: if someone handles a job differently from you, it doesn’t mean they’re doing it wrong.
  7. Keep online annoyances to a minimum. Locking yourself in a room one-on-one with your computer won’t increase productivity if you read social media or the news like an obsessive. If you can’t manage to limit yourself on your own, apps that block access to social media may help.
  8. Make rules for checking your email. Set a time to review your mail: for example, several times a day at a particular time, notify those with whom you correspond most often about your schedule. If someone needs to contact you urgently, have them call or text you via messenger/SMS instead.
  9. Spend less time planning. How much time do you spend each day planning to do something? It’s better to get to work right away: in most cases, plunging straight into the result is more efficient and essential than planning.
  10. Avoid tunnel vision. If you sit for five hours straight without taking your eyes off the computer screen, it can only lead to feeling burned out and tired at the end of the day. Take regular breaks to recuperate and return to work refreshed.

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