6 Tips to Boost Unlimited Internet at Home

Category: HOME 21

Home internet is the quickest it’s ever been, but it also has the potential to be the slowest because of the number of devices connected to our networks. Canadians average 9.9 connected devices per household at a time, which means smartphones, laptops and tablets are all sucking your home’s unlimited internet bandwidth. Luckily, there are some pointers to follow to speed up your unlimited internet. 

Next up are 6 tips to make your unlimited internet at home faster:

1. Make sure your broadband internet connection is as fast as possible

Your home internet will only be as quick as your broadband internet connection. Fiber and cable connections are recommended for being the fastest in the market. If you don’t have one of these, consider changing your connection. Research different internet providers for the fastest and most affordable broadband plans. 

2. Turn off devices you aren’t using

To improve the signal of your Wi-Fi you can turn off the devices you’re not using. Phones and tablets might be updating apps with the internet working in the background. Also, smart speakers will be listening to you even when they’re off, so you’ll have to unplug them. Keep in mind some devices you wouldn’t expect affect your Wi-Fi network’s performance, like dimmer switches, baby monitors, cordless phones and microwaves. These should be unplugged as well. 

3. Acquiring a faster router

A modem is a device that connects you to the internet, while a router is the center that allots connections to different devices. Internet service providers usually give customers a combination of  modem/router. They’re usually good, especially when they’re new, but they’re definitely not the best choice when it comes to routers. It’s recommended to have a separate router and modem to be able to keep up with technology, as routers advance technologically faster than modems. 

4. Moving your router

It’s common to see routers hidden away in homes due to their unsightliness, but this certainly doesn’t help your unlimited home internet be faster. The best place to put your router is in the middle of the house. If you can, it would be ideal to put it literally at the center of your home, this way its signal will be evenly distributed. It’s also important to put it as high above the floor as possible. This will help you avoid or lessen Wi-Fi black spots in your home.

5. Find Wi-Fi black spots

It’s important to measure the intensity of your Wi-Fi signal at home. A network diagnostic tool will help you evaluate the strength of your network. Once you get to see what spots are strongest and weakest, you can add powerline adapters. These are not regular Wi-Fi extenders, which will give you a feeble signal. These adapters will use your home’s electrical wiring to amplify the coverage of your internet connection. This means you’ll have several Wi-Fi spots in your home. 

6. Set up a mesh Wi-Fi network

If you don’t have access to powerline adapters, you should consider installing a “mesh network” at home. This type of system is popular in large properties. Mesh Wi-Fi generates a system that will eliminate black spots and provide faster internet in all your home. While routers send an internet signal from a single spot, mesh networks have several access spots. A mesh network will become the main hub after being connected to a router or modem. This means a single Wi-Fi network will allow you to be connected all around your house as the device you’re using connects from one point to the other.  

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