PROFESSIONAL SITE DESIGN: Let’s define at once that we will call a professional someone who has been doing his business for many years, has dozens or better hundreds of successful projects. A professional is someone for whom his work is the main occupation and often a hobby. A layman or amateur is someone who performs, or rather can do the same job as a professional, but does it “between business” or is fond of this business, but it is not his main source of income. There is still a full-time specialist, usually a designer, who makes all the promotional products in the company. Let’s consider the main differences between a professionally made site from a site made by an amateur, and from a site made by a full-time designer.
Lightness and ease of perception. First impression
When you look at a thing, you can say with a fair degree of probability that you like the thing because it looks harmonious. This characteristic is rather subjective, but it quite accurately reflects the harmonious perception of something, including the design of the site, made by professionals, as opposed to an amateur site. Of course, there is amateur talent, who can make very high-quality and harmonious sites, but they can already be attributed to professionals.
From the point of view of human psychology, the first impression has quite a big impact on the subsequent perception of the other person or the site, in our case. The ease of perception of the site and the general harmony of the elements, in fact, the result of professional, careful, and long selection and fitting elements and indentations on the site. Fans often spend little effort on refining and ironing out design elements, or simply do not know how to do it correctly.
The quality of the details and materials
Sitting in the car, you will most likely unmistakably distinguish that it is made by a well-known manufacturer. To do this, it is enough to feel the materials of the salon, to examine the fit of parts and gaps between them. Taking in the hands of high-quality shoes and inspecting the fit of elements, seams, the quality of the fabrication material, you will be able to say with great confidence – this thing is made by true professionals in their field.
It is the attention to detail and the quality of their development that can have a very strong impact on the appearance of not only material things but also the website. Web Design Agency brings in the experience and expertise that can help you scale your business, reach out to a global audience, and successfully thrive in your industry.
For example, inserting a picture requires not just reducing it by standard means, but additional processing and drawing of “lost” parts. A typical example is the smaller and spoiled logos of companies. Very often, the lack of quality of design elements and graphics suffer from sites made by non-professionals. On the contrary, the good quality of icons and small graphic elements can be seen with the naked eye on sites made by professionals.
Working out the details. Proportions and indentations
Sometimes there are qualitatively made illustrations on the site, but everything spoils their fit – or rather indentations and proportions or the size of the elements themselves. The indentations between the elements, the graphics, the texts, and their proportionality are directly related to the quality of the entire site. In other words, it is not enough to type or make quality illustrations, pictures, and text to assemble a professional site. A lot of attention needs to be paid to the proportionality, size, and indentation of the elements. Often it is sites made unprofessional, sin insufficiently elaborate proportionality and fit indentations.
Convenience and ease of navigation. Easy to find information
The intuitiveness of the visitor’s interface with the site is of great importance. With all the abundance of information that is pouring on us from TV, radio, and Internet sites, we, users of information, just get lost in its flow, oversaturated with unnecessary details. The task of a professional designer is not only to create a unique interface but also to make this interface really convenient and simple. Fans often do not make good menu design and navigation, but at the same time almost do not test them on ordinary people, which affects the complexity and ambiguity of perception of the interface.
There are simple rules of psychological perception of homogeneous elements, such as showing no more than 7-8 menu items at a time, the semantic division into blocks, color coding, visual support with illustrations, general information overload, and so on. Compliance with these rules is the key to a professionally created interface. But it is the convenience of navigation and the first impression that make visitors and in the future to go to the site again or forget about it. This is due to the fact that for all its beauty and unique design, no site will not force the user to dig into the complex interface more than once for one simple reason – the Internet is large, there is a more convenient site.
A single style. Succession of elements
We often hear the phrase “in the same style” and subjectively each of us is quite simply able to distinguish whether it is done in the same style or not. The unity of style of elements, lines, graphics inserts, menu, and navigation on the site – this is what every designer aspires to, whether he is an amateur or a professional. After all, only the unity of style shows the integrity and completeness of the work. Each element of the site should be what its designer made “for some reason” or “for something.” That is, in the creation of the style of the site should always invest a certain semantic load.
Elements should follow from each other, complement themselves and the overall picture, not cause feelings of dissonance. But often it is the fans who have a lack in the form of oversaturation of this “unity”, an abundance of pretentiousness, and unnecessary decor in the design of the site. It is amateurs, thinking “the more, the better”, literally stuff the site with decorating delights, which does not affect the perception of the site positively. The professional on the contrary, creating the design “separates the grain from the chaff”, cleans from the husk of the decoration created by the sketch.
As a result, the seeming simplicity of the design, created by a professional, looks more complete and harmonious than the pretentiousness of the amateur style. And for the visitor of the site, the abundance of decor and pretentiousness will not add to the desire to visit the site often.