Why Is My Apple Watch Dying So Fast

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Why Is My Apple Watch Dying So Fast

If you’re one of the many Apple Watch owners who have found that your device is dying much faster than expected, don’t worry.

You aren’t alone in this frustration, and there are a few fixes you can try to ensure your device stays charged up and running smoothly.

To learn more about the causes of short battery life on the Apple Watch and what you can do to fix it, check out the helpful article below from one of our favorite Apple Watch accessory websites!

About Apple Watch

The Apple Watch is a great piece of technology that allows you to stay connected and productive while on the go.

However, one of the biggest complaints about the device is that its battery life doesn’t seem to last very long.

Why is this? And what can you do about it?

  1. When possible, take your watch off when not in use. The only time you should have your watch on is when you are wearing it or taking an important call or making an important call (and only for as long as needed).
  2. Turn off all notifications that are not relevant to your daily activities.
  3. Consider going into airplane mode if you know you’re going to be away from a power source for extended periods of time.
  4. Give yourself at least half an hour after waking up before using your watch again to give it enough time to charge.
  5. Set the display brightness to low during night hours so that you don’t inadvertently wake up with a drained battery.

Why Is My Apple Watch Dying So Fast

Apple Watches are popular for their many features and sleek design. However, one downside is that the battery life isn’t always great.

There are a few reasons your watch might be dying so fast. First, when you’re using an app or feature on your watch, it can use up more power than if you were just using the digital face .

Additionally, there are different types of workouts that can affect how long your battery lasts.

These include things like running or golfing- these activities will use up more power in comparison to something like walking or riding a bike because they require continuous movement.

The time of day also affects the battery life, with sunrise and sunset being times where you’ll notice a difference.

Another reason why your watch may die quickly is if it’s paired with multiple devices such as your phone or computer. Make sure to only pair with one device at a time to save some juice!

When working out, make sure to turn off any activity tracking features or unnecessary apps to preserve battery life.

With all of these factors taken into consideration, it should be easier to understand why your Apple Watch might not last very long throughout the day.

How To Save Your Watch Battery Life

1. Check your watch’s settings to make sure you’re not accidentally draining your battery.

2. If you have an always-on display, consider turning it off.

3. Limit your use of apps that require a lot of power.

4. Keep your watch face clean and uncluttered.

5. Make sure your watch software is up to date.

6. Turn on Auto Lock so the screen turns off when you’re not using it.

7. Use Airplane Mode while traveling to save your battery.

8. Charge your watch every night before bed.

9. Clean the charging port with a toothpick or paperclip if you’re having trouble getting a charge.

10. Don’t charge your watch more than once per day (only charge it if it’s below 80% or in Airplane Mode).

11. Consider getting rid of third party chargers for faster charging times as well as higher compatibility rates (Apple chargers are limited by design).

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Remember to give your watch a rest: turn it off, don’t leave it sitting at full brightness all day, don’t keep checking the time.

And remember: sometimes the best option is just taking your watch off.

It sounds crazy but you will be surprised how much less energy your watch uses without the constant background process running.

You can also set a countdown timer and put it in Do Not Disturb mode when you know you’ll be away from the charger for long periods of time.

In some cases, this might even be good enough! You can also switch to airplane mode periodically during long flights to conserve energy, too. Give these tips a try and see what happens!

Why Is My Apple Watch Dying So Fast

Are There Any Tricks You Could Use?

One possible reason your Apple Watch’s battery might be draining faster than usual is that you have an app that’s using too much power.

To check this, open the Settings app on your watch, tap Battery, and then scroll down to see which apps are using the most battery.

If you see an app that you don’t use often, or that you can live without, consider deleting it.

You could also try going into the app settings for any of those apps and disabling notifications for them (or turning off background refresh).

Another possibility is that you’re using your watch more than before. Try limiting how often you reach for it in a day — just because there’s a bunch of new information available doesn’t mean you need to view all of it right away.

And if none of these suggestions help, contact Apple support!

Turn Off Wake Screen On Wrist Raise

The wrist-raise feature is a great way to quickly check the time or see any notifications you’ve missed, but it can also be a big drain on your battery.

If you’re not using it, it’s best to turn it off.

Here’s how:

Open the Settings app on your Apple Watch. Scroll down and tap General. Tap Wake Screen On Wrist Raise and set it to Off.

You can now rest easy knowing that your watch will still show notifications without having to worry about running out of juice.

For more tips on saving battery life, take a look at our blog post on How To Save Battery Life On Your Apple Watch.

And if all else fails, remember that you have an amazing backup in your iPhone. Connect them together for an instant boost!

Turn On Power Saving Mode While Working Out

When you’re working out, your body is producing heat and your watch is trying to keep up with that by pumping out more power.

Unfortunately, this also means that your watch’s battery will deplete faster. Luckily, there’s a way to help combat this: Power Saving Mode.

As the name suggests, this mode works to preserve as much battery life as possible. To activate it, go into the General menu in the Watch app on your iPhone then tap Power Reserve. Once you’ve done that, be sure to turn it off when you’re done!

Check For Activity In Your Workout App

If you’re like me, you’ve been wearing your new Apple Watch every day since you got it. And if you’re also like me, you’ve noticed that the battery life isn’t quite what it could be.

Here are a few things to check if your watch is dying faster than it should. First, look at which apps you have open on your phone.

Some of them might use up more power than others. You can close them by swiping up from the bottom of the screen on iOS or by pressing and holding on an app until they start wiggling and then tapping Close.

To see which apps are using up power, go to Settings on your phone and tap Battery. Then just scroll through and look for any apps that are being used by either an Apple app or something third-party.

If you don’t need it open, close it out and see if your watch’s battery life improves. If not, move on to step two.

Turn Off Background App Refresh For Some Of Your Apps

One of the reasons your Apple Watch battery life might be suffering is because you have Background App Refresh turned on for too many apps.

Background App Refresh allows apps to check for new content in the background, and while it doesn’t use a ton of battery life, it can add up if you have a lot of apps refreshing in the background.

To turn off Background App Refresh for an app, go to the Settings app on your iPhone, tap General, then tap Background App Refresh. You’ll see a list of all the apps that are set to refresh in the background.

Simply toggle any app that isn’t necessary for running in the background so it turns from green to gray.

Apps like Mail, Messages, and Music don’t need to update every second of the day—you can probably get by with checking them manually every once in a while.

Some people may also want to keep apps like Facebook up-to-date so they’re always on top of their social media feed, but most other apps should be fine turning their background updating off altogether.

Update watchOS

One potential reason your Apple Watch’s battery might be dying so quickly is that you’re running an outdated version of watchOS.

To check for updates, open the Watch app on your iPhone and tap on General > Software Update. If there’s a new update available, follow the prompts to install it.

Keep in mind that you’ll need to have your Watch connected to its charger and have at least 50% battery life for the update to install successfully.

After installing the latest update, go into settings and turn off Background App Refresh (found under General > Background App Refresh).

Another way to help save battery life is by disabling Raise-to-wake (also found under General) which will keep your screen from turning on when you lift up your wrist.

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